Monday, April 16, 2007

Still Waiting.......

Well, I have to say we were quite disappointed when we saw the CCAA website change and our date had not come up. Just 2 days!!! That has got to be a record!!! We just need 5 more days to move and then we're good. The time has actually has gone fast the past month, but yet as soon as we get closer it seems more out of reach. We are coming little one!!! I hope and pray that we don't travel when the weather is unbearable. Roger would not be able to withstand the heat. Not to mention the heat on top of all the other new things we will experience!!! Oh well, I guess I can remember Africa and lap it up again. Can't say that I mind the heat so much (it's just that I dislike the cold so much more!!! ).

We keep busy around the house and get more painting done. I'm looking forward to our MIW dinner now in May. I hope I am not still the "mystery mom" .

I had a great visit with Ruth and her daughter Kathleen and Sophie at the Centre for the Playgroup last Saturday. I went with Laurie and Sophie and we all had a good visit. I got to meet Jillian and her mom and also Julian and her mom Christine (I think). I had a nice chat with Ruth about her recent trip and picked her brain about sizes and food etc. I think if we go a few days early it will be a good thing. Would be nice to site see before we are a threesome too and get busy with tending to our daughter.

Some day soon I will make this blog public, but until then........we continue to wait!!!! :O(

1 comment:

Laurie said...

It will be so nice to have a new baby added to our monthly playgroups. Then you'll be the new mom who will be asked all the questions from waiting parents!