Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Great Wall

We made the big trip to the Great Wall on Sunday and it was a long steep climb to only the first level that we made. Roger and Mercy were troopers and Roger had Mercy on the front and the knapsack on his back.
Quite a few of the members of our group made up to the first level. There were about 3000 other people making the trek too it seemed. It was a great day temperature wise and we were glad to not have too much heat so we could all make the climb. It was an amazing sight as you can see.

Tomorrow we go to the Summer Palace and the silk road to do more shopping. We went to the Pearl Factory and the Jade Factory after the Great Wall and it was quite a shopping day.

We head to Tianamen Sq. on Wed. - another historic and symbolic site. We are enjoying seeing all the sights and sounds of China on our last few days here. Mercy
is doing well and has even slept through the night. She had her first baby food today and enjoyed it thoroughly.

We'll be home real soon and look forward to seeing everyone and Mercy meeting you all.