Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Almost There!!!

Well we are almost there. Just about time to leave soon. We've been busy packing and getting things organized. Still have to childproof our home a bit!!!

I've been sharing with people about our journey we will be on to get our lovely daughter and it is amazing how many people know someone who has actually adopted either from China or from somewhere else in the world. It is so common now!!! Most people are excited for us and happy for us to receive our little daughter from across the world.
We just can't wait to hug her and daddy just wants to kiss her face off!!!!
She is so precious to us already and we just want to bring her home to be safe with us and enjoy all the things we have for her. I can't wait for all her "firsts". Her first step, her first bath, her first pair of fancy shoes, her first taste of winter and snow. All the things she has yet to experience that she doesn't know about yet. Her life as she knows it is about to change!!! We will truly love and bless her and let her enjoy all that life has for her!!!

I keep thinking of the "gotcha" moment and I wonder if she will smile, study us or just look at us funny. We'll try not to scare you little one!! Time goes on and we wait just a short while longer!!!!