Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Just Being Mercy!

Mercy finds the simplest things to play with these days. Her latest is cardboard boxes. She takes rides in them and even put her favourite stuffed giraffe in them!

She also loves to try on hats and play with her favourite rocking horse. We are trying to teach Mercy to smile for pictures and she almost has it right - except her eyes close!!!

Visit with Cousins

We had a great visit (long overdue) with cousins Mike and Lori and Olivia and Ali in February. Mercy enjoyed meeting the girls especially and got along with them right from the start. Mercy even took a shining to Uncle Mike. Lori and Mike have two animals - a cat and a dog. Mercy made herself right at home with their dog Dakota. I think she thought she was her big stuffed dog at home!! The cat didn't even mind having a little girl around.

Aunt Lori made a great dinner we all enjoyed. She out did herself!!! I think the cousins were sad to see us go. They wanted us to leave Mercy with them!!